Sunday, February 3, 2008

Chapter 1

"Leave me out of this!" Alex screams from the bottom of the stairs. Her father was in one of his states and was not about to leave her alone. He knew that she had one of her friends over and that made him more likely to start it up with her again.
"I'm sorry Biddy, he is getting on one of his trips again." Alex and Biddy had known each other for a few years know and were virtually unseperable this summer. With the exception of 4 weeks when Biddy was going out of town for weddings, her family seemed to want her all summer long but Biddy said she would go for the weddings. Alex and Biddy didn't want to waste anytime, they had almost missed their chance for a great friendship when Alex moved away for a year. When she moved back rumors had spread that Biddy had moved. And even through all that they managed to end up at the same school with 7 out of 8 classes together. They knew it was fate and wasn't about to let a second pass them by.
"No worries Alex, I understand and I definatly don't take him seriously." Biddy walked through Alex's bedroom door and ran across the room diving onto Alex's bed.
"8.5 on the landing Biddy, you could have done without the face plant." Alex said as she followed her into the room. She walked across the room to the bottom side of the bed and turned on the radio. It was Relient K. Their favorite band in the entire world, minus Panic! at the Disco, and Alex could thank Biddy for that one.
"Ahhh thanks Alex, but thats my favorite part. OH! I love this song, turn it up. And as an added bonus we won't be able to hear your dad rant. I swear you got it from him.." Alex sat down on the bed next to Biddy and started laughing.
"What?" Biddy asked, she didn't expect a laugh that big to come out of Alex, she was only trying to be sarcastic.
"I was just thinking.." Alex said.
"Oh no." Biddy knew what was coming, some strange plan was circulating in Alex's mind and she had no choice but to ask what it was.
"What's the plan this time captain?" Biddy put on her best sarcastic voice.
"We should call Tod. And see how long he would listen to both of us at the same time." Alex had become more and more interested with Tom with each days passing and to tell you the truth, Biddy loved to go along with it. It was entertaining and she had the time of her life.
"Alright Captain! Man the sails, hoist the colors, raise the anchor!" Biddy sang as she reached for the cordless phone. The phone rang and rang but no one was answering.
"Maybe they started screening our stalker calls." Alex called from the other side of the basement. She had to go over to the laundry room to use the other land line.
"Hey Alex, wish me luck, I am running upstairs to grab the other cordless." Biddy puffed up her chest like in the cartoons, looked at Alex and then up the stairs, and repeated that about 4 times. Then she raced up the stairs and through the door. Alex's dad was cleaning dishes in the kitchen and unfortunatly the phone was on the table. Biddy slowly walked across the kitchen, fingers crossed and hoping that Karl wouldn't notice her.
"mhnm stupid mhmmmhm kids mhumm yelling muhmmm." Great he is mumbling to himself. Biddy thought. As she reached for the phone, Karl turned around and noticed her.
"Hey Biddy, when are you going home anyways?" His gray hair was everywhere and his left eye was twitching a bit.
"Oh hi Mr. Karl, I didn't notice you there. Oh I'm going home on friday." She turned around and started heading towards the basement.
"Wait Biddy, I need to talk to you." Dang it! She slowly turned around.
"Yeah?" Mission failed, this sucks big time.
"Have you ever wondered about water? I mean it's always flowing, oh and those potatoes, those are something. Hey you need to show me more respect, this is very disrespectful. I am going to call your parents and you are going to be grounded you will never be allowed here ever again." Karl's voice began to rise. Oh no. Here he goes, I am never getting out of this! Unless....
"Well it was nice chating with you, but I really need to get back down stairs." As Biddy said this she was already sprinting across the hall and down the stairs. She reached the bottom of the stairs and went to turn the corner when she tripped on an old fashioned vaccum cleaner and landed on her hands and knees in front of Alex.
"Holy smokes Alex! I thought I wasn't going to make it! He started talking about water and stuff and I thought my head was going to explode!" Biddy was laughing so hard that her entire body was shaking, she finally gave in and fell to the floor in hysteria.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well Sally I remember these evens happening differently but I like your take on the events. I can't tell you how funny it really was when Biddy tripped on that vaccum. Her clutzyness is one of the things that makes me feel at home when I'm with her.

Sally Jones said...

Thanks! I am glad you enjoy it! Tell your friends about it and get them to come read and post! I am hoping to finish this story and one day publish it so give me readers!

Anonymous said...

Ya I remember them a little differently too, but I guess for story sake and for entertainment its been switched but like we care, we love it just the way it is. And I feel the same way Alex.

Orange said...

Wow, you're writing it! I'M SOO EXCITED! We'll good luck! It's FANTASTIC!!!!